Ryan McNeely

rmcneely23@gmail.com | github.com/RMcNeely | mcneely.online | linkedin.com/in/ryan-mcneely

Work Experience


Senior Software Engineer 2021 - Present
Software Engineer 2016 - 2021
  • Created and maintained custom bundling tooling with Node filestreams to create libray packages.
    • Collaborated with business teams to create new packages to improve sales offerings.
  • Lead organizational change around automated testing to improve reliability across products.
    • Standardized test suites for end to end, integration, and unit tests.
    • Prototyped testing package to use automated tests across frameworks.
  • Crafted an approach to reuse web components across frameworks, removing the need for individual framework implementations.
    • Updated component archictecture to improve loading times by 30%
  • Designed and implemented new library APIs and interactions with data visualizations.
  • Maintained build servers and AWS services.
  • Enhanced accessibility features for interacting with charts.
  • Coached customers with how to best integrate library SDK into their implementations of frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.

Technical Skills

Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby

Frameworks: Node.js, Web Components, React, Angular, Rails, Sinatra

Tools and Skills: Docker, Apache, AWS, Test Driven Development, Continous Integration, Agile methodology

Databases: SQLite3, PostgreSQL


FlatIron 2016

Learn Verified FullStack Web Development

Indiana University of Pennsylvania 2008-2012

Bachelor of the Arts in History and Political Science